Jaeheung Yeo, Heon Y. Yeom, A Highly Extensible Publish-Subscribe Architecture for Internet-Scale Applications (Prepared to submit).
Jaeheung Yeo, Jinwook Baek, Heon Y. Yeom, An Approach to Achieve Release Consistency in Mobile Agent Computing (Prepared to submit).
Jaeheung Yeo, Heon Y. Yeom, A Coordinated Contents Distribution in the P2P Network, Computer Systems Science & Engineering (CSSE), submitted 12/2005 (SCI).
Jaeheung Yeo, Heon Y. Yeom, A Smallworld Approach to the P2P lookup problem, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, submitted 10/2005 (SCI).
Jinwook Baek, Jaeheung Yeo, Gyutae Kim, Heon Y. Yeom, CEMAP: Cost-Effective Mobile Agent Planning, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCIS), 6/2004 (SCI).
Jinwook Baek, Jaeheung Yeo, Heon Y. Yeom, Agent Chaining: A Cost-Effective Dyanmic Mobile Agent Planning for Distributed Information Retrieval, Journal of Systems and Software, submitted 6/2004 (SCI).
Jaeheung Yeo, Heon Y. Yeom, Taesoon Park,
"An Asynchronous Protocol for Release Consistent Distributed Shared Memory Systems",
Journal of Supercomputing, January 2003, 24(1), pp. 25-41, submitted 8/2000, revised 1/2002, accepted 3/2002 (SCI)
Publications - Conference
Jaeheung Yeo, Heon Y. Yeom, Taesoon Park, "An Asynchronous Protocol for Release Consistent Distributed Shared Memory Systems", Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2000), March, 2000, (Como, Italy)
Jinwook Baek, Gyutae Kim, Jaeheung Yeo, Imyoung Jung, Junhwan Moon, Heon Y. Yeom, An Efficient Algorithms for Mobile Agent Planning, International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies (ICACT), February, 2001
Jinwook Baek, Jaeheung Yeo, Gyutae Kim, Heon Y. Yeom, Cost-Effective Mobile Agent Planning fro Distributed Information Retrieval, International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), April, 2001
Jinwook Baek, Jaeheung Yeo, Heon Y. Yeom, Agent Chaining: An Approach to Dynamic Mobile Agent Planning, International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), July, 2001